Another take at Zeno's paradox
Going back to this famous paradox, I talk about the concepts of motion, contradiction and dialetheism
Toy model of a bouncing ball and Zeno's paradox
Starting from the common experience of hearing an object bouncing off the ground, I build a simplified model to compute the amount of energy being lost by the object along its course. This leads me to ponder about the possibility that the object could experience an infinite amount of rebounds in a finite amount of time.
Trajectories in the Schwarzschild space-time
Using the Riemann package presented in a previous post, one can easily perform basic computations in General Realtivity. In this post, I am going to show how it can be used to compute the geodesics of the Schwarzschild space-time.
An example in using the Riemann package
I have written a Mathematica package to perform basic computations in Riemannian geometry. In this post, I share an example of computation that this code can be used for and a link to the package containing the instructions to reproduce the computation presented here.
What is the distance to the horizon ?
I compute the distance of the horizon to an observer on the shore using trigonometry. I try to give a solution that is slightly more accurate than the classic way of the classic one based on Pythagora's theorem and compare the two results.
Kinematic in a rotating reference frame
The equations that describe the dynamics of a point particle in space must be adapted when the motion is observed from an accelerated frame of reference. I give an illustration of this by considering the motion of a free particle relative to a frame rotating at a constant angular velocity around the origin of coordinates.
Geometry on a curved space
Euclid's axioms describe the geometry of shapes and curves in simple mathematical spaces which are called *flat*. When one considers more complex spaces, these axioms are no longer adequate. I illustrate this by looking at the special case where the mathematical space is a *two-sheet hyperboloid*.
What happens when you try to reach the speed of light ?
I talk about the mathematics describing what happens when a massive objects is accelerated at a steady rate and how it behaves when its velocity approaches that of light using the principles of special relativity.